Description: A Tribal Transportation Safety Plan is a tool that identifies local transportation risk factors and proposes projects and programs to reduce these risk factors. However, a successful Safety Plan must be "data-driven," or in other words, must use crash data to influence the emphasis areas and strategies detailed in the plan. Without data to support the plan, your projects may not have a strong case to receive funding through the FHWA Tribal Transportation Program and other federal grant programs.
This webinar will describe the need for crash data, existing sources of data that are available, and discuss methods of collecting data where none is available, including public surveys, local interviews, data collection forms, and other online resources.
Speaker: Jackie Wander

Civil Engineer II
Bristol Engineering Services Company, LLC
Jaclyn Wander (Jackie), is a Civil Engineer at Bristol Engineering Services Company, LLC in Anchorage, Alaska. Jackie was raised in Reno, Nevada where she received her Bachelors of Science in Civil Engineering at the University of Nevada, Reno in 2014. She worked at Robison Engineering Company, Inc. from 2013 to 2015 as an engineering intern, after which she moved to Alaska and has been working at Bristol ever since. Jackie obtained her Professional Engineering license in 2019. She has written over a dozen Tribal Transportation Safety Plans and assisted with several Safety Fund grant applications for Tribes in Alaska. She has traveled to countless rural Alaska-Native villages, from Southeast Alaska to the Aleutian Islands, from Bristol Bay to the Nome region, working with communities that face unique safety challenges associated with climate, darkness in the winter, and limited emergency response and other resources.