Description: It's important to use LATCH correctly—and how to tell when it shouldn't be used. In this session, we'll use the LATCH Manual's appendices to learn about a wide array of CPS topics, and in the process you'll likely find out much more about what this resource has to offer than you ever realized. Knowing what the LATCH Manual holds—and how to find it quickly—is key to unlocking its full potential to make kids safer and your work easier.
Speaker: Denise Donaldson

As owner of Safe Ride News Publications, Denise Donaldson is the publisher of educational materials that support the child passenger safety field, including the Safe Ride News newsletter, the LATCH Manual, and the School Bus Safety Handbook. In 1996, she founded Car Safe Kids, a program that contracts with Seattle-area hospitals to provide child passenger safety outreach and professional education. She holds a master’s degree in business administration from the University of Washington and has been a Child Passenger Safety Technician-Instructor since 1998.