UPCOMING TRAINING: July 9 - 11 | Albuquerque, New Mexico
To register please follow the provided link below and more information can be found on registration page at http://www.db.aastec.net/ntip/index.html or download the official flyer here.
GOAL: Participants will
· Create their own 1 to 3 minute digital story told in first person narrative.
· Learn the basics of script development, digital imagery and video editing.
· Digital Storytelling is a low-cost, powerful way to promote change by sharing your voice with digital media, such as, images, music, video (optional). This workshop is designed for all levels of computer experience. As you plan to attend the workshop, think of what story is most important for you to share with others.
Participants should bring:
· Headphones/Earbuds
· Photographs saved on USB drive or CD
· Laptop with the Microsoft Movie Maker or Movavi Video Editor
Participants should bring a draft story.
· Keep it to 300 words or less
· Write to an audience; they will be hearing your story and not reading it.
For more information please contact:
Jerrod Moore
TIPRC Program Manager
There is no registration cost for this workshop (20 participant max) , airfare and travel will have to be covered by your programs but a limited amount of rooms will be set aside for those needing lodging. It will be set on a first come first serve bases. Please follow link to register: http://www.db.aastec.net/ntip/index.html
